My Garden, My Hair…..using natural herbs to care for my hair.

This spring, I decided to grow some herbs for my hair. I have planted rosemary, peppermint, lavender, and basil. All of these herbs help to promote the growth of healthy hair. If you look in my archives, you’ll find the definition of a variety of herbs and how they are used to stimulate the scalp. I planted the lavender for the use of scent in my hair and home…lavender is quite relaxing and nice to put in your bedrooms to help you sleep better.

Not only will I be growing these herbs all summer, for the first time, I’ll be trying my hand at drying them out and turning them into oil. I’ll keep you posted! I am going to let them grow for a few months!

I get the goose bumps every time I watch the Great Debaters. I have the utmost respect for those who paved the way for me to speak my mind.